Case Ma’Claim recently stopped by Blackburn in the UK, where he spent several days working on this rad new piece entitled “The Origin Of Things”.
The reference image was taken in China in spring 2018. Its a collage cause the Bird head is from a pigeon which was immured in a brick box at Phlegm’s wall, who was painting at the same time like Case.
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Its sad, cause it seems the creature was walled in alive. Case was looking for a bird skull since the local museum is known for its stuffed animals.
It ́s odd but at least we could spot a little light on this poor little thing ́s story and coinstantaneous colaborate on a interesting way.
O artigo: “The Origin Of Things” by Case Ma’Claim in Blackburn, UK, foi publicado @StreetArtNews
The post: “The Origin Of Things” by Case Ma’Claim in Blackburn, UK, appeared first @StreetArtNews
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